Reporting the MVP?

Reporting the MVP? Don't forget to register. Learn how to register for the MVP using the MVP Registration Guide. Download the PDF from the QPP Resource Library here.

Start benchmarking! See how your performance stacks up

Compare your performance against national benchmarks and gather insights from your Data, Adverse Events, and Quality Measure NACOR dashboards.
Even though NACOR requires participants to review measure results at least four times per year, AQI recommends monthly check-ins—that way, you can stay ahead of performance trends, outliers, and file submissions status.

Get tips for accessing the highest-impact figures and reports—sign in and view the Reports User Guide under the Resources tab.

Sign into NACOR Now

Submit your comments on draft 2025 MIPS quality measures

Specialists and generalists in academic and private practice are invited to provide feedback on seven measures across the quality domains of opioid use disorder, care of older adults, cardiac, and neuromuscular blockade.

View the draft quality performance measures being considered by the ASA Measure Development Workgroup under the Committee on Performance and Outcomes Measurement and submit your comments by July 31, 2024.

Review draft measures and comment now.

Don't forget: Prevent anesthesia measures from being taken down

Please take a moment to add specialty-specific measures to your MIPS 2024 reporting dashboard. CMS scores consider only your highest-performing measures, so specialty-specific QCDR measures won't harm your final score. However, underutilized AQI measures may be removed from the program. Please add these to your dashboard today:

  • AQI18: CABG-Prolonged Intubation
  • AQI49: Adherence to Blood Conservation Guidelines
  • AQI67: Consultation for Frail Patients
  • AQI71: Ambulatory Glucose Management

Learn more about 2024 AQI NACOR QDCR Measure Book and reporting deadlines.

Three quick tips for today

  1. Get on board with MIPS Value Pathways (MVP). Learn how to register individuals and groups with a helpful QPP registration guide. Download now.
  2. Keep your NACOR FTP active. If you don't use your submission FTP account for 90 days or more, it may be disabled. While this has no impact on your NACOR dashboard, it can slow you down. If you think your account has been disabled, email
  3. Get the greatest return on your efforts. Make sure complete data is submitted for every single anesthesia case. This ensures accuracy and provides more reliable benchmarking and metrics. You can view outcome benchmarks any time you submit outcome data. See benchmarks.

Your AQI team is always here to help:

t: (847) 268-9192