NACOR participant survey
July 31, 2020

NACOR participant survey

To help improve the NACOR experience, AQI is soliciting feedback regarding AQI participation and the NACOR dashboard. The deadline for survey responses has been extended to Friday, August 14. Complete the survey now.

FTP access - inactive after 90 days

For security, all FTP accounts (for those who upload data to NACOR) will be disabled if no activity occurs within a 90-day window. If you suspect your account has been disabled due to inactivity, submit a help desk ticket by emailing FTP access has no impact on user access to the NACOR dashboard.

Reporting MIPS 76

AQI continues to receive questions on reporting MIPS 76 Central Line: Prevention of Central Venous Catheter (CVC) - Related Bloodstream Infections.

As paraphrased in the ASA CROSSWALK: Anesthesiologists may report codes for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, in addition to the anesthesia code for the primary procedure. When an anesthesia provider administers anesthesia in support of procedures like an insertion of a central venous access device, the appropriate anesthesia code should be reported.

When reporting these measures to NACOR, the following applies: If the anesthesiologist places the line, the surgical CPT should be placed in the <CPTValue> section of the XML data file. If the anesthesiologist provides anesthesia for the line placement, the anesthesia CPT code should be placed in the <CPTAnesValue> section of the XML. For more information, email

August Office Hours

AQI's regularly scheduled Quality Reporting Office Hours are scheduled at 11 a.m. Tuesday, August 11. The June and July Office Hour recording and slides will be available on the AQI website soon.

2020 Reporting Deadlines

NACOR Registration: October 30, 2020

January through November 2019 data submission: January 29, 2021

Individual Quality Reporting Consent Submission: January 29, 2021

Improvement Activity Attestation: January 29, 2021

CMS Opt-Out for Individual Reporting: January 29, 2021

TIN/NPI Reconciliation: January 29, 2021

All data submissions: February 15, 2021

Contact AQI


NACOR Dashboard support:

Ask AQI:

ANESTHESIA QUALITY INSTITUTE | 1061 American Lane | Schaumburg, IL 60173